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Monday, March 26, 2012

tumbleweed houses seretttan

tumbleweed houses seretttan

Managing Waste Easier With a Compost Tumbler

A compost tumbler is certainly a welcome innovation for people who want to help the environment though composting. Among the many ways of managing waste to help reduce garbage output is composting. But some find the process tedious, making it harder for them to contribute to a greener earth. With the invention of compost tumblers, though, making compost becomes less of a hassle and a mess.

Compost tumblers work by containing your compost and making it easier to mix your waste into the compost pile, eliminating the labor of having to turn it yourself with the use of a spade, shovel or pitchfork. Turning your waste in the pile helps it become compost faster. The designs of compost tumblers are also pleasant to the eye as compared to ordinary, open compost bins.

There are many kinds of tumblers available on the market, the simplest one being shaped like a drum which you can spin around by hand or by using a crank. There are also models which you can roll around on the ground, too. But there are electric tumblers available. Some of these even have features that make them convenient to keep inside of the house. You could also have them installed into a kitchen cabinet as well, as long as an electric supply could be provided for it.

tumbleweed houses seretttanAlthough a compost tumbler isn't more effective than a well-maintained compost pile, it does provide several benefits to its users aside from making compost easier to turn and keeping the waste neatly hidden inside of it. It usually eliminates the problem of foul odor and attracts fewer animals and pests as well, making it ideal for composting in the home, or for urban areas.
tumbleweed houses seretttan

Fan Etiquette - Are The People Who Love Your Music Ruining Your Band's Reputation?

They're generous, they're consistent, they're giving...and most of all...they love your music. They're your fans and they come to every one of your live shows, fork out money for cover charges, CDs and t-shirts, bring your band gifts, throw you house parties, and spread the word of your music on the internet and beyond. Your fans are the single most important ingredient to the success of your band. Without them, you'd be rocking out in your Aunt's basement to an audience of none...well, maybe her cat.

But there can be a dark side to the hoards of happy humans drunk on your future #1 hits. Sometimes the folks barreling in to see you play, or flooding your websites with their online presence are causing more harm than good to the reputation of your band. Rude behavior, message board flaming, compulsive sticker-ing and flyer-ing, may all seem like helping to your flock of followers but to club owners, industry and those newly interested in your music, they may seem like trouble-makers, belligerents and vandals.

It may be simply a case of over-exuberant fan zeal. Your fans think they're preaching the gospel of your band to anyone with eyes and ears: by dropping your postcards all over town like a bird with irritable bowel syndrome, by filling up strangers email in-boxes with bulky MP3s and HTML photo-heavy notices about how much you rock, and by yelling your band's name at the top of their lungs during another band's set like a parrot with Turret's Syndrome. These unsolicited over-promotions...albeit well-intentioned...are hard for the average person to separate from your band's own promotional efforts and may not be appreciated in the way they were intended. On the other hand, it may be that your fans are so revved up by the love of your music that they've become arrogant, aggressive and just plain out of control in any arena (or cyber place) your band inhabits. At any rate, you may find that you need to dial these folks back a bit to create a environment that is fan-friendly without comprising your band's opportunities.

The following are a few tips that will help you to guide your supporters in their quest to be adamant fans without allowing them to turn into an obnoxious, rowdy, gang of rabid baboons.

1.) Communicate With Your Fans---A lot of problems can be eliminated by simply setting up a line of communication between your band members and your fans. For instance, if you know that a particular club forbids setting around flyers, postcards or other promo materials, post it on your website with the upcoming show info-blast. Set guidelines for your band and for each individual show and let your fans know that they need to follow these simple rules or they're no longer permitted to attend live gigs and to post on your cyber message boards. A little information can go a long way and your fans will be happy that you let them know what they can and can't do at any particular show.

2.) Learn From Experience---Sad but true, often the best way to learn what's not appropriate at shows is for inappropriate things to happen. When fans begin their overblown behaviors, benign-intentioned or not, you will learn by the reaction of the clubs, the industry and your other fans what's okay and what's not going to fly. A good example is this...placing bumper stickers on club walls may be encouraged at some places but forbidden at others. The first time you get a call from a red-faced bar owner screeching through clenched teeth that his men's room walls have to be repainted, you'll know that it's time to email your fan base and let them know to leave their reserve of band stickers at home when the band plays that club again. In another example, it may not occur to your band that certain fans are behaving rudely to club personnel or to your other fans, at your shows, until someone makes you aware of it. At that time, you may need to email your naughty fans and let them know that certain bad attitudes are unacceptable at shows, and on your message boards, and that fans who can't be pleasant will not be invited back.

3.) Friends And Family Are No Exception---As awful as it sounds, often times a band's family and friends are the most out of control and obnoxious at shows...and on the web. Maybe it's because they're more emotionally invested in the band and its members, or maybe because the musicians forget to remind their loved one about fan etiquette. You and your bandmates may think it's a given, but some of the biggest jerks, idiots, and rebel rousers at gigs are your loved ones. It doesn't matter it's the bass player's ten year-old brother to the drummer's 60 year-old dad, you don't want to be banned from your favorite showcase venue because granny kicked the bouncer in the shin. Don't be afraid to sit your friends/family down and spell out the live show/internet rules for your band. Sometimes you can't control the fans you don't know, which makes it all the more important than ever to control the fans you do.

4.) Lay Down The Law---Once you become aware of the "problem" fans, it's time to explain to them what they can and cannot do at your gigs and on your website. Before banning anyone from visiting the band's shows and sites, try sending out a polite, but firm, email with some specific guidelines and a serious warning that the next step will be cutting these bad elements out of the band's loop. It's important to try not to make the email too harsh, as it may insight further acting up. So, just deliver the message in a casual way, explaining that their actions are hurting and not helping the band...a fact that they honestly may not realize. Honestly, you may need to give it some backbone so that your jerky fans really understand that their jig is up. If you're having trouble with someone you know well...a particular friend or family member...a phone call or face-to-face meeting might better do the trick. No matter how the message is executed, it's important to let your fans know that certain behaviors will not be tolerated by the band under any circumstance. Most fans would rather shape up that be cut out of all of the fun, and the band's reputation will be safe from troublesome followers for the time being.

It's true that fans are a band's biggest asset. But left uncontrolled they can also be the biggest liability as your band takes on the responsibility and reputation for the antics that its fans pull at live shows and on websites. Like crazed leprechauns, full of mischief, each fan's silly stunts and nasty attitude problems will eat away at your band's good name with tiny a school of piranha in a stream eating a full sized goat down to the bone in seconds...until your band is left, a former shell of itself, wandering your town trying to figure out why you can't get booked and no one visits your website. It's not a good sign when you see a tumbleweed blow through your music career. Nip it in the bud now. Control your fans behavior. Trust me; you'll be glad you did.

tumbleweed houses seretttan

Small Green Homes

A small home can pack a super-sized punch when it comes to reducing a house's environmental footprint. Energy-efficient, sustainable homes tend to be smaller homes, which inherently have less square footage inside and less acreage outside. The inside costs less to heat, cool and light, leading to less energy consumption, and a minimal-sized lawn-if any-needs minimal maintenance, reducing emissions and contributing to a much healthier environment. But there's more to a "green home" than meets the eye.

A green home does not need to look as if it was built for the year 2100. In fact, many green homes look, from the outside, like other homes going up in new subdivisions. But on the inside and some unseen places on the outside, these abodes are unusual. Features such as rainwater capturing systems, a roof designed for solar installation, carpeting made of recycled materials, and wind power are just a few ways that a house is built with the environment in mind.

tumbleweed houses seretttan<a href=The greenest of the green are residential homes built to be certified to the highest standard of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. Conforming to the standards provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Building America Program, LEED has long been used for commercial and government buildings, but home certification is a relatively new phenomenon. One way that a green home is defined is its rating as being at least 40 percent more energy efficient than standard-code homes.

For the pure sake of building cost, smaller homes are the most likely to be built as "green" homes. Many of the systems that are constructed as eco-friendly are not cheap, and the fewer solar panels and the smaller self-sustaining heating and cooling systems equate to a smaller build-out budget. The elements that make a home a green home have dropped in cost over the past several years, but constructing a basic LEED-certified house still runs about $3,500 more than it would cost to build a regular house. The highest-level LEED-certified home costs about $29,000 more. The smaller the home, the less expensive the process. The same concept applies to existing-home renovations or "greening up" an older home.

One example of a company that successfully merges the concepts of "green" and "small" is seen with Tumbleweed Tiny House Company founded by Jay Shafer. Shafer started building small homes out of his concern about the impact a larger house has on the environment. More than 10 years later, these "tiny" portable homes not only minimize square footage, but the green homes are fully insulated with double-pane windows and an adequate heater.

More and more homebuilders are greening the American Dream. It is suggested to verify a builder's credentials by asking for their ANSI-approved ICC-700-2008 National Green Building Standard certification (see for more information). Check out these builders online:

Atlas Home Contractors,
BPC Green Builders,
Castalia Homes,
Dominion Homes,
Grady O Grady,
Integrity Builders,
Jurenka Custom Homes,
Ondra Home Building,
RC Green Builders,
Summit Custom Homes,
Zero Energy,

Want to learn more about prefab cottages, tiny homes, and more? Visit my website at to learn all about how to downsize to a smaller home and simplify your life.

Andrzej Kozlowski has written numerous articles on topics ranging from home downsizing to simple living. He is also editor and co-author of the book, "Living Smart: The Money Saving, Eco-Friendly Guide to Downsizing Your Home and Belongings."

tumbleweed houses now trendy

tumbleweed houses now trendy

Entertaining Ideas - Dinner Parties at Home

Entertaining at home with friends is one of life's small pleasures and is, even today, more popular than ever for a multiplicity of reasons. Entertaining at home is attaining more attention these days due to current economic climes and so now is the time to start thinking of how to achieve the best and economically sound results.

Ever heard of the "The Five P's"? It is a desperately important factor in a successful dinner party. (It stands for Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance). One cannot prepare enough in order to make things go smoothly. Simple factors like... have you chosen the wines well enough? Have you plenty of exciting non alcoholic drinks for the drivers and Tee-Totallers? Also... music. Have you done your homework on the musical tastes of your guests? A balanced menu is most important with a variety of tasty and memorable dishes. Have you planned for any special dietary requirements of your friends? Speaking as a time-served Vegetarian (40 years!), I have been put on the spot when being asked to stay for lunch or supper when the host has reeled in horror at my "habits". You can see a pallor come over them as they panic. "Well you could have this... there's not much meat in it" they say, hopefully!

tumbleweed houses now trendyAnother success factor is choosing the right guests. One must endeavor to select carefully. There is no point in inviting people who are likely not to get on with each other, this could cause a catastrophe in the well planned evening! When you have chosen your guests, aim to seat certain people together who in your mind, go well together. If you know that someone drinks heavily at dinner (and we all know someone who does... especially if the wine is on free-flow!) then perhaps you should think again about inviting them, as this could ruin the event.
tumbleweed houses now trendy


Apart from the meal, the most important characteristic of a successful time is the exchange of conversation. Good conversation makes for great time had by all. So aim to choose a few subjects which you know have at least some common ground with everyone present. Carefully interject with a subject during a conversation and it is amazing how quickly the conversation takes shape! Also have a few subjects up your sleeve which are likely to create a reaction (a good one) so that those stymied and "tumbleweed" moments, when the conversation reduces to an awkward silence, can be prevented. It's not a good idea to let the conversation turn into a joke telling event but sometimes it pays off when it all goes quiet. (Keep it clean).

People do have a habit of telling short stories about what happened to them. You mention that "you were stopped by Police whilst driving home the other day" and in moments all the others are telling stories about their encounters. A story about a rude Supermarket Assistant... and suddenly everyone has had a bad supermarket experience. To be quite honest, nobody actually cares about what happened to other people, they simply talk about themselves, as this can be the most interesting subject they know of! (And the easiest to talk about I suppose).


Entertaining with friends, obviously not a recent activity, has now become an immeasurable attribute of our relaxation time. Entertaining at home is far less expensive than you might care to imagine. It is cheaper in most respects and yes indeed... you can actually have a Cigarette after the meal (if a smoking household of course) without anyone suing you!

Whilst drinks are obviously far cheaper at home it can mean that more drinks are available for your guests. More choice and variety or better quality at least. Consider entertaining at home more often. You will be surprised as to how an excellent host you can be. For many, entertaining at home is the better choice, and I couldn't be of the same mind more as I have experienced some wonderful get-togethers with friends over the years.

Obviously the best route to a successful evening is to have someone else do the work for you. A Chef friend of mine developed a highly successful business, running dinner parties for other people. He prepares everything from the invitations to the washing up and polishing the glasses! The food and wine is chosen with the hosts, tastings are done, table decor arranged, staff employed... so the hosts may sit back and simply enjoy.

However, many of us prefer to prepare everything ourselves, as this too is an essential ingredient of a successful evening! There are many books available on the subject, so many people advising and telling how best to do it. You will never go short of advice! Please don't forget though, that this is your evening, so do it your way.


Omit all those pricey cocktails, as they don't add a lot to the value of the evening. Serve a small selection of aperitifs to begin with. Then provide your guests with a small selection of reasonably priced wines that will go with almost anything you serve. (When I say small, I mean only small in variety. Make sure you have far more than practicably possible for anyone to drink, so you can never run out). I remember as a boy, my parents going to many dinner parties. One evening in particular my parents came home early with some friends who had been at the same dinner party. Apparently the host had run out of wine as he was rather famous for underestimating and under stocking. So the party continued to the early hours in the west drawing room, with much mirth and merriment (and our wines)!

Some people insist on having a different wine for each course. I find this rather complicated as a lot of people really don't care these days and one could be wasting time and money here. So choose wisely and choose well. If one is unsure of one's wines try to involve a friend or colleague who knows something about the subject.

I tend to prefer red wines from Burgundy or Bourgogne. Wines from Burgundy tend to be rich and extremely provocative, with sharpness and rounded oak flavors. They are also unbelievably mystifying, extending over three Departments in France, with nearly perhaps a hundred varieties of wine.

These wines contrast in quality from the magnificent to the appalling, and so do the prices! If truth be told, to enjoy these wines, one must first be aware of these regions in France.

tumbleweed houses now trendy


Notwithstanding a mounting interest in cooking at home, by and large the trend continues to shift away from conventional forms of cooking towards more convenient and simpler options. People are cooking more and more at home and would, to a certain extent, prefer to spend their money on things that will improve life at home, or at least in the kitchen. Toaster type ovens, microwave ovens and the many variety of grills available on the market, seem to be the most popular purchase these days.


Aim to identify recipes which can be prepared in advance of the event, giving one the time to enjoy the party. Whatever the occasion, you should find recipes that can be put together easily and quickly to ensure maximum time to entertain one's guests. People are not all experts. They don't have time to look for ingredients and simply require recipes that work first time with no mistakes.

Being from a Vegetarian household, my Mother used to plan the most scrumptious menus for her dinner guests... without a scrap of meat involved. Believe it or not many failed to even notice! I have done this myself on numerous occasions and the compliments have been well received. I have no objections to preparing meat for guests personally but it is done at arm's length. I prefer to have someone do this part instead when possible.

tumbleweed houses now trendy<a href=Coffee

When one has finished the main courses, you can serve coffee or tea. One is aware of the existence of a large variety of teas & coffees but most people serve the "safe option". More often than not people simply prefer something uncomplicated. A decent cup of "industrial tea" is my all time favorite! Simple, full flavor coffee is easy to find and prepare. However one particularly fun way of serving unusual coffee is by using one of those fabulously delightful coffee makers which use small disposable containers of coffee varieties. This way you may entertain even further by offering several coffees which the guests may prepare themselves! Such novelties never fail to please!

One should, in my mind, withdraw from the table to a lounge area, to take coffee. Here you may relax and "loosen one's corsets" so to speak! It may be a great idea at this point, to offer a choice of striking, homemade desserts or elegant chocolates to round things off. I also make a point of giving my guests a large hand rolled Dominican Cigar... not to smoke in my home I'll have you know, but to take with them and smoke somewhere else!

tumbleweed houses today trend

tumbleweed houses today trend

Small is Beautiful

While the size of the average home gets bigger and bigger, it's refreshing to see the conscious shift to smaller homes that some people are making. Because along with that decreased space comes a decreased environmental footprint, and a decreased energy bill. If the home is well designed with functionality in mind, the living, as they say, is easy. And there's even a Small House Society!

Enter people like Jay Shafer of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, who builds homes between 65 and 774 square feet. His homes are carefully designed to make maximum use of every square foot. They come equipped with a small kitchen, and up to three bedrooms and two bathrooms, depending on the design chosen.

One major bonus of Shafer's homes is the low cost of heating. Heated with propane, his own home-a smaller model-costs him $170 per year to heat, and that's in Iowa, where winters are winters. Plus, a smaller home requires less maintenance. Everything is smaller and therefore the amount of work to be done is less: less to dust, less to vacuum.

The biggest challenge is likely to be paring down your stuff to be able to fit into a smaller space. But isn't there some spiritual lesson there? Didn't some prophet state that we don't own our possessions, they own us? There is certain simplicity to owning less that perhaps we should all consider. And in a tiny home, there certainly isn't room for unused, or even under-used, stuff.

tumbleweed houses today trendHowever, if a permanent downsizing is more than you can bear, or if you just have too many kids or pets to make it practical, these little homes make great guest cottages, vacation homes or temporary dwellings while you build something larger. Or, if your grown kids are refusing to leave home, perhaps you can take a cue from the Small House Society president Greg Johnson, who lives in a home designed by Tumbleweed's Jay Shafer, and have some tiny homes on your property to give your kids, and yourself, some private space. Johnson home is on his father's property, and he shares his father's bathroom after sacrificing his own in order to have more storage space.
Another thing that can make a small home more economical and environmentally friendly is using recycled materials. Dee Williams, who built her own home based on one of Shafer's designs, salvaged a door from a dumpster and old wood floor panels from a home that was damaged in a fire. But far from looking like trash, these salvaged items give her quaint home even more character, and give her a little story to tell.

tumbleweed houses cilik2 ruwet

tumbleweed houses  cilik2 ruwet

How a Tiny House Can Fit Any Lifestyle

Do a search on the internet for "Tiny House" and you'll find a lot of information. It seems this tiny trend is catching on all across the world. Individuals, couples and small families are choosing to downsize their lives to live in much smaller spaces that are usually much less expensive than conventional houses. Small houses like this can range in size from less than 100 square feet to up to 900 hundred square feet. So, you're interested in knowing more about the Tiny House movement? Before going through the process of building or buying you own, this information can help you narrow down your small living choices.

Tiny Houses are often on wheels, but not always. One of the leaders of the small living movement, Jay Shafer of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, suggests building the little houses on trailers so they can be moved easily. This also helps get around some of the laws surrounding such small homes. Many municipalities have codes that don't allow people to live in spaces under a certain square footage. By building a house on a trailer, it is no longer a house and it becomes an RV. Not everyone builds these small homes on wheels. Check your local codes to see if a small house might classify as a "building of no consequence" before starting your project

tumbleweed houses  cilik2 ruwet

Tiny houses are often sustainable, but not always. The small home movement and environmentalism seem to go hand in hand. Many builders use sustainable building products and create environmentally friendly systems in their homes. It is not unusual to find a small home built with all reclaimed wood. Sometimes it is difficult to build a conventional home using these items, but the scale these houses allows the builder to use much less of the product making it effectively cheaper. Many small homes are also off the grid using solar energy or rain catchment systems for water use.

Tiny houses are built with all the necessities of a conventional house. There will typically be a seating area, a dining area, a kitchen, a bathroom and a sleeping area which is most often a loft. The beauty about the tiny house movement is that the each owner and builder can customize the space to work best with their own lives.

If you're interested in considering your own small home there is a wealth of resources available online. It is also a very tight online community and you can often find individual blogs from tiny house enthusiasts from all over the world. Tap into these resources, talk to some other tiny house builders and learn just what kind of space will be good for you and your needs.

tumbleweed houses  cilik2 ruwet

Go Small, Live Green

Living small oftentimes means living a lifestyle that is friendly toward the environment. Consider small prefabricated homes, homes that are among the fastest-growing "green" homes in environmentally conscious circles. A green home features such eco-friendly things as rainwater capturing systems, a roof designed for solar installation, carpeting made of recycled materials, and wind power. While it's not necessarily the case that the smaller the home the greener it is, the case can be made of prefab homes built with that goal in mind.

Green prefab homes are built with one essential goal: to reduce the homeowner's carbon footprint on the planet. An eco-friendly fact of green prefab homes is that they are built in a factory, which means a sharp reduction in the material waste that usually accompanies residential construction. Another benefit to the environment is their construction material.

Many are built with sustainability in mind, from "cradle to cradle" in environmentalist parlance. Materials such as recycled glass and reclaimed wood are used, as is special construction for elements such as green or "garden" roofs and walls. Some homes are finished on the inside with special paints and varnishes that drastically reduce or eliminate home-interior "off-gassing" associated with standard articles such as fabrics.

Shrinking homeowners' footprints was the motivation that drove Copeland Casati to start Green Modern Kits, Green Cottage Kits and Green Cabin Kits (, and, companies that produce passive-solar prefab house kits. These homes are designed "to collect, store and distribute solar energy," according to the U.S. Department of Energy, with the help of passive-solar design that uses fewer heating and cooling systems.

tumbleweed houses  cilik2 ruwet

Another example of a company that successfully merges the concepts of "green" and "small" is the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company ( founded by Jay Shafer. Shafer started building small homes out of his concern about the impact a larger house has on the environment. These "tiny" portable homes come fully insulated with double-pane windows and an adequate efficiency heating system.

Topping the larger end of the green prefab scale, Blu Homes, Inc. ( recently came out with its newest home, the Blu | Balance, an eco-friendly and spacious house that measures more than 1,600 square feet. The one-story home has a flexible floor plan and comes with two or three bedrooms and two full bathrooms. As with other green prefab homes, Blu models come with low-flow fixtures, energy star appliances and architectural characteristics that maximize passive heating and cooling. But what makes this company stand out is its unique home-folding design. The folding technology and computer modeling is put to use in the factory construction, allowing Blu to build quickly and economically ship anywhere, where the home is unfolded and completed on-site.

These and more designers and companies are showing up from the four corners of the Internet. As we move into the second decade of the 2000s, there is much to build upon green prefab homes that already prove that green design can be modern and chic.

From prefab cottages to tumbleweeds houses, home downsizing options abound! Visit to learn all about the joys of simple living.

Andrzej Kozlowski has written numerous articles on topics ranging from home downsizing to simple living. He is also editor and co-author of the book, "Living Smart: The Money Saving, Eco-Friendly Guide to Downsizing Your Home and Belongings."

tumbleweed houses  cilik2 ruwet <a href=

Small Green Homes

A small home can pack a super-sized punch when it comes to reducing a house's environmental footprint. Energy-efficient, sustainable homes tend to be smaller homes, which inherently have less square footage inside and less acreage outside. The inside costs less to heat, cool and light, leading to less energy consumption, and a minimal-sized lawn-if any-needs minimal maintenance, reducing emissions and contributing to a much healthier environment. But there's more to a "green home" than meets the eye.

A green home does not need to look as if it was built for the year 2100. In fact, many green homes look, from the outside, like other homes going up in new subdivisions. But on the inside and some unseen places on the outside, these abodes are unusual. Features such as rainwater capturing systems, a roof designed for solar installation, carpeting made of recycled materials, and wind power are just a few ways that a house is built with the environment in mind.

The greenest of the green are residential homes built to be certified to the highest standard of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. Conforming to the standards provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Building America Program, LEED has long been used for commercial and government buildings, but home certification is a relatively new phenomenon. One way that a green home is defined is its rating as being at least 40 percent more energy efficient than standard-code homes.

For the pure sake of building cost, smaller homes are the most likely to be built as "green" homes. Many of the systems that are constructed as eco-friendly are not cheap, and the fewer solar panels and the smaller self-sustaining heating and cooling systems equate to a smaller build-out budget. The elements that make a home a green home have dropped in cost over the past several years, but constructing a basic LEED-certified house still runs about $3,500 more than it would cost to build a regular house. The highest-level LEED-certified home costs about $29,000 more. The smaller the home, the less expensive the process. The same concept applies to existing-home renovations or "greening up" an older home.

One example of a company that successfully merges the concepts of "green" and "small" is seen with Tumbleweed Tiny House Company founded by Jay Shafer. Shafer started building small homes out of his concern about the impact a larger house has on the environment. More than 10 years later, these "tiny" portable homes not only minimize square footage, but the green homes are fully insulated with double-pane windows and an adequate heater.

More and more homebuilders are greening the American Dream. It is suggested to verify a builder's credentials by asking for their ANSI-approved ICC-700-2008 National Green Building Standard certification (see for more information). Check out these builders online:

Atlas Home Contractors,
BPC Green Builders,
Castalia Homes,
Dominion Homes,
Grady O Grady,
Integrity Builders,
Jurenka Custom Homes,
Ondra Home Building,
RC Green Builders,
Summit Custom Homes,
Zero Energy,

Want to learn more about prefab cottages, tiny homes, and more? Visit my website at to learn all about how to downsize to a smaller home and simplify your life.

Andrzej Kozlowski has written numerous articles on topics ranging from home downsizing to simple living. He is also editor and co-author of the book, "Living Smart: The Money Saving, Eco-Friendly Guide to Downsizing Your Home and Belongings."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

ideal home exhibition

ideal home exhibition

5 Exhibitions and Fairs in Cyprus Worth Visiting

Cyprus is not only a great island for frolicking in the sun, there are also a number of exhibitions and fairs which take place here which are well worth visiting. Below is a brief guide to some of the best.

Cyprus International Education Fair - Each year thousands upon thousands of students from around Cyprus and the surrounding areas attend this meeting in order to establish what educational opportunities are available to them in both in Cyprus and internationally. The exhibitors include education providers from all over the word, education counsellors, education advisors and government bodies. This event is ideal for young people unsure of what to do next and education providers looking to promote their product.

ideal home exhibition

Ideal Home Exhibition - This is a two day event which showcases the best in furniture, interior design, equipment and materials for building, home appliances and many other items related to the development of homes. You can view completed interior designs and product demonstrations and also speak to experts to gain advice and inspiration. For those involved in the home improvement business this is a great opportunity to break a new market and really improve the awareness of your company.

Cyprus Hunting Exhibition - Thousands of people from around the world attend here each year to experience the latest technologies and products related to hunting as well as to participate in the events and activities which act as a fitting accompaniment to the core show.

Cyprus Gift & Souvenir exhibition - It can be easy to be cliché when buying a holiday gift for someone, so a visit to this exhibition will give you the opportunity to experience a wide range of products from which to choose. Perhaps the people to whom this event will appeal most is those who wish to start a small business in Cyprus as you will have the opportunity to meet with all of the major manufacturers in Cyprus who can provide you with all of the products you need.

ideal home exhibition<a href=Agrotica Exhibition - For those working in agriculture that are looking for an excuse the jet out to the sunshine, this exhibition held at the Cyprus International Fair Grounds gives you the perfect excuse. You can learn about all of the latest issues and developments in the area and gain some tricks of the trade from local industries as well as from those who visit from around the world. Everything from water irrigation to green house equipment is covered here.

Friday, March 9, 2012

REA-NK REO HomePath Program

REA-NK REO HomePath Program

Fannie Mae's REA-NK REO HomePath Program

For those out there looking for a deal by buying a foreclosed property here in San Diego, you might want to take a close look at Fannie Mae's HomePath program. In my opinion it could be a great way to purchase your new San Diego Condo or home.

Fannie Mae's REA-NK REO brand, HomePath, was created early in 1999. Fannie Mae has over 89,000 real estate owned (REO) properties on their books; over 600 of those are in San Diego. These Fannie Mae owned properties eligible for the HomePath financing offer an affordable opportunity to buy a foreclosure with up to 97% financing. Yes, that's less money down then an FHA loan.

Some advantages of the HomePath loans:

• 3 % Down payment

• No PMI (mortgage insurance) required

• No Appraisal

• Renovation Financing

• Up to 6% in Seller concessions (Owner-occupant)

• Only 10% down on 1 unit investment properties

• Allows Investors to finance up to 10 Properties

First Look Marketing Program I know its tough working with the Owner-occupants going against Investors who are usually going to blow us out of the water by paying cash with no contingencies. Most of these properties are open to offers to investors as well as owner-occupants during the first 15 days after they come on market. For the HomePath properties that qualify the First Look Marketing Program will only consider offers from Owner Occupants or Buyers using public funds for the first 15 days.

This offers a distinct advantage over a normal REA-NK REO listing, taking the Investor out of the competition. If the property is still for sale after the First Look Marketing period expires, Investor offers may be submitted and will be considered. Fannie Mae's HomePath Program is worth taking a look at.

REA-NK REO HomePath Program

Fannie Mae HomePath Mortgage

Shopping for the Right Home Loan

Are you thinking about refinancing your home loan? Are you looking for the best refinance rates available? If so, than there are several things you should know about the rate quotes you may be finding. A home loan refinance can quickly lower your monthly payment, allowing you to keep more spending money for yourself; however there are numerous "junk fees" and markups that can cloud that great deal you may have found. Below are several great tips to help you find a great mortgage rate without overpaying!

Best Home Mortgage Rates

Where are the best home mortgage rates? Numerous homeowners are unable to know a good mortgage rate when they find one because they are unaware of hidden markup and fees. What is a hidden markup? It is a way for loan originators, banks and lending institutions to make additional money off of your loan refinance. Essentially, your interest rate is quoted higher than the bottom line, thus raising your interest rate and allowing your loan originator to make additional money off of your dollar! How do you bypass this hidden expense? You must find someone who is willing and able to provide you with a mortgage without marking up your rate. In other words, you need access to wholesale mortgage rates. Refinancing (or even purchasing for that matter) with the right originator can save you thousands of dollars in the end. How do you find the right originator? Let's first discuss how to find the WRONG one!

Bank Mortgage Loans

Countless Americans think refinancing through a bank is a great deal because they cut out the middle man, thus allowing you the lowest rate, however, there are several issues with bank originated home loans.

Mortgage brokers and lenders are regulated by your State's consumer protection and predatory lending laws as well as the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, thus being required to disclose (nearly to the penny) all fees associated with your mortgage loan. Banks, however, are regulated by the Federal Government and are exempt from your State's mortgage lending regulations. Although they must abide by the Federal Truth-in-Lending laws there are many loopholes that the banks are able to get around. Additionally, bank have lobbied the Federal Government so they only need to provide a less-than-accurate Good Faith Estimate and an Annual Percentage Rate based on this estimate. Due to the loopholes previously mentioned, banks are not required to disclose any of their markup or profit margin on your home loan.

In addition to the lack of regulation, banks are in business just to loan money. They make a majority of their profit by selling their mortgage loans on the secondary market. Loans with a higher market interest rate make a larger profit for a bank (known as the Service Release Premium) which is why you will never get a wholesale refinance rate from your bank.

How to Get Wholesale Refinancing Mortgage Rates

Obtaining a mortgage loan at a wholesale rate is not as hard as you may think. You do not need to have special intel or a secret agent, you simply need to shop for the right mortgage broker! The fact of the matter is, if you want the lowest possible refinance rate, you will need to find a mortgage broker willing to do your loan for a flat, up-front fee who will not mark up your interest rate for a fee (called Yield Spread Premium).

Do you recall how banks profit from selling their home loans to investors for a fee known as Service Release Premium? Well, mortgage brokers are able to collect a similar fee known as Yield Spread Premium. Yield Spread Premium is a fee paid to a mortgage broker by the mortgage lender for selling a higher interest rate to a borrower. Although it must be disclosed to you, it is often explained away as a fee that the lender pays the broker and has nothing to do with the borrower's expense. It would be great if that were true, but unfortunately it is 100% at the borrower's expense, and that expense lasts over the life of the loan! It is the increased interest rate that results in an increased mortgage payment that comes directly out of the pocket of the borrower. The most important thing to know about this fee is that although you may be saving out of pocket expenses during the origination of the loan, in the long run you are better off to just pay the mortgage broker an upfront fee for originating your loan and getting the lowest possible interest rate. An honest mortgage broker should be able to provide you with both options and tell you the true difference in your mortgage payment with and without your Yield Spread Premium. If that is disclosed and discussed upfront, than there is no hidden fee because your mortgage broker has revealed it to you!

If you want wholesale mortgage rates for your next home loan, make sure you tell your potential brokers that you understand Yield Spread Premium and you are not interested in a loan that includes a markup. Offer to pay them a reasonable loan origination fee and you will be on your way to saving money on your next home loan!

9 Fannie Mae HomePath Facts

There are a few really important facts that need to be known about Fannie Mae HomePath properties. There are great deals to be had, but be prepared to move quickly. These foreclosures tend to get multiple offers very quickly when they hit the market, and you may end up in a bidding war.

Let's go over the top 9 Fannie Mae HomePath facts:

1. Fannie Mae HomePath is available to investors.

This is usually unheard of. But investors can get in on this craze. Most of these style programs are not available to the investors and are reserved for the owner occupied buyer.

2. HomePath does not require mortgage insurance.

Even though you are not putting 20% down on the loan, HomePath financing does not require mortgage insurance (MI). Some people might know this as PMI.

3. No appraisal necessary.

On certain programs, there is no need to have an appraisal. This is great if you are intending to do repairs that you don't want the lender to know about, or if there are repairs that most lenders would require to be fixed, prior to issuing a loan.

4. Interest rates are a little higher.

It is what it is. The interest rates are slightly higher on these programs. It is a small price to pay if you are trying to buy a home outside the normal box.

5. There are (or can be) incentives.

Fannie Mae regularly comes out with incentive programs that are really great. Like offering to pay your closing costs, or giving the agent a bonus for selling the home. Make sure you check into these or ask your Realtor.

6. You can renovate your purchase.

If the home needs repairs, check to see if the home is eligible for the HomePath Renovation loan. You are allowed to finance extra money in to complete the repairs. Again, this is an unusual opportunity, since most loans do not allow for financing above and beyond the purchase price.

7. Homes are sold as-is.

Since banks and lenders never lived in the home, they sell them as-is. This means that if there are issues with the home, they are your problem once you buy it. It is always recommended to get a home inspection to ensure you know more about what you are buying.

8. HomePath is for Fannie Mae properties only.

Financing is for homes owned by Fannie Mae only. You cannot use HomePath to purchase a home owned by Freddie Mac or any other lender.

9. Fannie Mae does not lend directly.

If you want to get a HomePath loan, you need to locate a lender that offers them. Fannie Mae will not lend you money directly, rather, they will approve a loan that a lender or bank underwrites. Since the lender and loan officer does most or all of the paperwork, you will never "see" Fannie Mae in the process.

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

HomePath for Investors-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

Imagine buying an investment property with very little down, with a great interest rate and no mortgage insurance. Well it is possible!

If you are an investor and would like to have a chance to buy properties with little down, or you would like to be able to finance the repairs, then you are in luck. Fannie Mae HomePath will allow it. Let's look at the program more in depth.

1. As little as 10% down

In today's market, you would need to put at least 20% down to purchase an investment property. There just aren't any lenders willing to lend with less money down. The main reason is because mortgage insurance companies aren't willing to accept the risk.

Well that was the case, but now there is the HomePath Mortgage! With this program you only have to put 10% down. This will open up your chances of leveraging more properties with your investment.

2. No mortgage insurance

You probably already know this, but let's cover it, just in case. Mortgage insurance is a premium paid to the lender because you did not put enough money down. This is not homeowner's or fire insurance.

Most loans will require that you put 20% down or you have to pay mortgage insurance. Not with Fannie Mae HomePath. You can put as little as 10% down and you don't have any mortgage insurance to pay. This can save you as much as $140 a month, on a $150,000 purchase.

3. Finance the repairs

Unlike 99.9% of the loans out there, the HomePath Renovation Mortgage allows you to finance repairs into the loan. There is a ceiling on how much money you can get towards the repairs though.

What's the downside?

It seems like most loans have a downside, so you are probably asking what it is here. There really isn't any. If anything, maybe it's that the interest rate is a bit higher, but it is much cheaper than paying mortgage insurance.

One more note, as an investor you will have to wait 15 days or more before you can make an offer. They want to give people a chance to buy the home that will live in it first. This period is known as the "first look". The only State that requires more days is Nevada, and the first look period there is 30 days.

As you can see, the HomePath options are a fantastic way to buy your investment property. If you want more information on the Fannie Mae HomePath properties, give us a call.

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

9 Fannie Mae HomePath Facts

There are a few really important facts that need to be known about Fannie Mae HomePath properties. There are great deals to be had, but be prepared to move quickly. These foreclosures tend to get multiple offers very quickly when they hit the market, and you may end up in a bidding war.

Let's go over the top 9 Fannie Mae HomePath facts:

1. Fannie Mae HomePath is available to investors.

This is usually unheard of. But investors can get in on this craze. Most of these style programs are not available to the investors and are reserved for the owner occupied buyer.

2. HomePath does not require mortgage insurance.

Even though you are not putting 20% down on the loan, HomePath financing does not require mortgage insurance (MI). Some people might know this as PMI.

3. No appraisal necessary.

On certain programs, there is no need to have an appraisal. This is great if you are intending to do repairs that you don't want the lender to know about, or if there are repairs that most lenders would require to be fixed, prior to issuing a loan.

4. Interest rates are a little higher.

It is what it is. The interest rates are slightly higher on these programs. It is a small price to pay if you are trying to buy a home outside the normal box.

5. There are (or can be) incentives.

Fannie Mae regularly comes out with incentive programs that are really great. Like offering to pay your closing costs, or giving the agent a bonus for selling the home. Make sure you check into these or ask your Realtor.

6. You can renovate your purchase.

If the home needs repairs, check to see if the home is eligible for the HomePath Renovation loan. You are allowed to finance extra money in to complete the repairs. Again, this is an unusual opportunity, since most loans do not allow for financing above and beyond the purchase price.

7. Homes are sold as-is.

Since banks and lenders never lived in the home, they sell them as-is. This means that if there are issues with the home, they are your problem once you buy it. It is always recommended to get a home inspection to ensure you know more about what you are buying.

8. HomePath is for Fannie Mae properties only.

Financing is for homes owned by Fannie Mae only. You cannot use HomePath to purchase a home owned by Freddie Mac or any other lender.

9. Fannie Mae does not lend directly.

If you want to get a HomePath loan, you need to locate a lender that offers them. Fannie Mae will not lend you money directly, rather, they will approve a loan that a lender or bank underwrites. Since the lender and loan officer does most or all of the paperwork, you will never "see" Fannie Mae in the process.

A Fannie Mae HomePath property and loan can be a great opportunity to buy a home that is affordable and offers low down payments with no mortgage insurance. If you are in the market for a new home, then make sure you consider them in your search.

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

Bank Homes Foreclosures and Home Path Mortgages

Bank homes foreclosures is a highly viable way of owning property. It is very attractive to buyers due to the feeling of security created by dealing with banks. Banks have always had the reputation of being on the level or above board and all one needs is a good credit standing to qualify for loans.

Sometimes people are reluctant to secure a loan to purchase bank homes foreclosures, probably because they feel their income or stature will fall short of the qualifications of banks. Perhaps they are not aware that Big Brother can help them out with Home Path mortgages, a program operated by Fannie Mae.

How can Home Path Help You Own Bank Homes Foreclosures?

The HomePath mortgage program was established to provide incentives for both banks and borrowers to induce sales of bank homes foreclosures. The real beauty of acquiring a foreclosure through a Home Path mortgage apart from the significantly lower price is the fact that Home Path will only require borrowers to put up three percent of the total down payment with great flexibility on amortization.

Homepath support bank homes foreclosures that include town houses, apartments and condos as well as single family homes. Your research is still an essential component to the whole buying process as these bank owned Fannie Mae foreclosures are all sold in their present condition or as is. These homes will require some measure of repair or improvement so it is best to do a careful selection process. Depending on the home type, its general condition and its location, Fannie Mae can undertake minor repairs on some of these homes. For significant repairs, Home Path offers another line of credit, which falls under renovation or home improvement. This means setting up a mortgage in excess of the value of the home to free up some funds for the repairs.

To apply for a Home Path mortgage buyers must be pre-qualified by a bank. While not all pre-qualified borrowers are assured of financing, they at least have an idea of the amount of money they can loan. Another plus for Home Path mortgages is that it accepts down payment funding from outside resources such as a gift from your family, your boss, a charitable or non-profit organization. Borrowers can also avail of down payment assistance from the government via the Neighborhood Stabilization Program or theHUD. Will all these government incentives and tax.

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

How Does HomePath Financing Affect Communities?

Foreclosure. Pre-foreclosure. Shadow foreclosure. Short sale. Bank owned homes. That's a list of some pretty scary words right there. It seems like every day we see a news story on television or in the newspaper on how bad the housing market is right now. Now, you can look at the large number of stories as "doom and gloom" hype to gain ratings. Or you could look at it as a good barometer on how the market is in the U.S. Either way, the fact remains: these foreclosed homes affect the neighborhoods. Foreclosed homes make many neighborhoods look abandoned, which leads to serious problems.

The Numbers

Here are some numbers: In some markets, short sale and bank owned homes make up about 30% of the for-sale listings. That's a low-to-average number. Other markets are seeing 40-50 percent. When this is going on, property values drop. Some experts say that for every foreclosure in a community, home values drop by 1-2 percent. So when multiple homes go through this in an area, it can devastate the surrounding neighborhood.

Why it Matters to Communities

Unoccupied homes unoccupied are often ripe for vandals. Abandoned homes become a canvas for graffiti artists. The grass gets out of control, the landscaping deteriorates and the house generally looks bad. This blight can lead to more crime in surrounding areas and put homes with families living in them at risk. Turning these empty houses into lived-in homes once again is vital to keeping American communities thriving. One major holder of properties across the country is Fannie Mae. So the mortgage giant came up with a system of marketing, listing and financing these homes called the HomePath® mortgage. This option allows the buyer to buy a Fannie Mae-owned house with a low down payment (3%), no mortgage insurance (ask your mortgage consultant about cost details on loans without mortgage insurance) and other incentives. The bottom line for everyone is this: selling the properties in a timely manner is critical to minimize the impact on the community.

First Look and Investors

This is an opportunity for lenders and real estate agents to work together on community restoration by turning these foreclosed, empty properties into occupied homes in thriving neighborhoods. In fact, after the general public gets a shot at the home, the listing is open to investors. Here's a look at what Fannie Mae calls its "First Look" period. The First Look period is typically the first 15 days a property is listed on the HomePath website. The properties include a countdown clock on the details page, which displays the number of days remaining for negotiation with eligible purchasers. During this time, buyers who will live in the home as a primary residence, some non profits, and public entities and their partners can submit offers and purchase properties without competing with investor offers. After the First Look period expires, investor offers are considered along with all other offers.

The HomePath mortgage financing option is great for first time home buyers because so many houses on the market are listed below market value, so it's a great opportun to get out of that rental and into a good home at a good price. The HomePath option is a solid plan for first time home buyers with community benefits.

Homepath-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu<a href=

HomePath Mortgage-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu

HomePath is Fannie Mae's exclusive program that allows a home buyer to purchase a Fannie Mae foreclosed home with as little as 3% down. One of the biggest benefits of this program is the ability to only put 3% down as a down payment while still avoiding paying mortgage insurance!

The HomePath program benefits include:

  • No appraisal necessary
  • No mortgage insurance
  • As little as 3% down payment required
  • Seller contributions of up to 6% of the purchase price
  • Owner occupied, second homes and investment properties allowed

Here's a look at each of these benefits one by one:

Appraisal Waiver

The HomePath program states that an appraisal is not necessary. Since Fannie Mae already owns the property and will also be holding loan that the new buyer will obtain, they are allowed to set their own rules. Avoiding the appraisal means that the buyer does avoid the roughly $400 that an appraiser will charge for their service, however, critics claim that it puts the buyer at a disadvantage since they do not get an independent third party opinion of the value of the home. Of course, the buyer can choose to pay for an appraisal if they so wish, but it is not required.

No Mortgage Insurance

A typical home loan requires mortgage insurance if the buyer is putting less than 20% down. Mortgage insurance insures the lender and not the homeowner. Therefore, avoiding paying the monthly or upfront mortgage insurance premiums associated with most loans with small down payment amounts can offer huge savings to prospective home buyers.

3% Down Payment

The HomePath program has the lowest down payment requirements for an owner occupied property of any conventional loan available in the marketplace today. FHA loans require a minimum of 3.5% down and traditional conforming loans require at least 5%.

Seller Contributions

The HomePath program allows Fannie Mae to offer as much as a 6% concession towards closing costs. This money can be used to pay for all third party fees allowing the home buyer to use their funds solely for their down payment. **Special Bulletin** Fannie Mae is offering 3.5% towards closing costs on ALL HomePath loans closed before June 30, 2011

Second Home and Investment Properties

HomePath is available to those looking to buy a second home, invest in a rental property as well as those buying a primary residence. The down payment requirements may vary depending upon occupancy, but the requirements are less stringent than conventional financing for all occupancy types.

It is important to note that not all lenders can offer a HomePath Mortgage-Dudhu Syandhal Ikiyuu. Be sure to ask for a Certified Up Front Mortgage Broker that is Fannie Mae approved to close HomePath loans.

Homepath By Homes For sale

Homepath By Homes For sale

Should Fannie Mae Homepath Properties Be Your First Choice for Buying Real Estate?

Fannie Mae Homepath properties are becoming a popular choice for those ready to buy a house. Properties consist of residential homes which were repossessed due to foreclosure. Most are priced below market value and many qualify for government grants offered through HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

Buying Fannie Mae Homepath properties is the same as buying houses through individual sellers. However, properties are sold in 'as-is' condition and are not covered under warranty. Most Fannie Mae homes do require some level of repair so it is important to obtain home inspections and property appraisals to determine the true cost of ownership.

Buyers can apply for financing through Home Path Mortgage. Fannie Mae works with select mortgage lenders who offer special financing terms to buyers of bank owned properties. Home Path Mortgage can be a good choice for buyers with less-than-perfect credit and those who cannot afford a large down payment.

At present, the minimum down payment requirement for purchasing Fannie Mae Homepath properties is 3-1/2 percent. Buyers are allowed to receive down payment assistance. The only other mortgage loans which allow this option are FHA and VA loans. Down payment funds can be gifts from family, friends, employer, or non-profit organizations.

Fannie Mae is also offering up to 3-1/2 percent closing cost assistance to buyers who purchase homepath properties and close prior to December 31, 2010. When financing is obtained through Home Path Mortgage, buyers are not required to pay for property appraisals or mortgage insurance. Combined, these incentives can save buyers a significant sum of money.

Due to a large percentage of foreclosure homes needing repair work, Fannie Mae Homepath offers two mortgage loan options. The first is conventional financing which covers the cost of the home. The second is referenced as Home Path Renovation Mortgage and includes additional funds for necessary repairs. Properties that qualify for renovation loans are identified on the Fannie Mae website with a renovation mortgage logo.

When buyers need to finance repair costs through conventional lenders they often must qualify for a high-interest renovation loan. When buyers finance the full purchase price, banks may not allow them to borrow additional funds for repairs. Applying for renovation loans through Home Path Mortgage can provide borrowers with necessary renovation funds without incurring high interest rates.

HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program offers government grants to individual buyers and real estate investors who purchase homes in areas blighted by foreclosure. NSP grant funds must be allocated according to HUDs guidelines and must be used to rehab distressed property or land.

HUD provides an established amount of funds to each U.S. state. Applicants are required to submit NSP grant applications through local offices. Details of the program and a list of state NSP offices are provided at

Fannie Mae Homepath properties can be a good choice for real estate investors. Many properties are suited for use as rental homes and Section 8 housing. Investors can obtain up to five NSP grants. HUD sets aside 25-percent of state funding to provide NSP grants to investors who rehab properties to provide low-cost housing.

Investors cannot submit purchase offers on Fannie Mae Homepath properties until they have been on the market for 15 days. Individual buyers are granted 'first look' rights as the program is intended to encourage home ownership and ignite residential home sales.

Homepath By Homes For sale

Home Path Mortgage Offers Low-Cost Fannie Mae Bank Owned Foreclosure Homes

Fannie Mae's Home Path Mortgage is a home buying program that offers incentives to individuals who buy bank owned foreclosures. The Home Path program allows buyers to purchase Fannie Mae homes with reduced down payments and closing costs, along with flexible mortgage terms. Other incentives include elimination of home appraisal fees and mortgage insurance.

The Home Path Mortgage program provides two financing options. The first option is similar to a conventional home loan and is available to individuals who purchase a Fannie Mae foreclosure home as their primary residence. The second option is Home Path renovation mortgage financing and provides additional funds to make light repairs. Both finance options require buyers to obtain funding through an approved lender.

Home Path properties are owned by Fannie Mae and obtained through repossession and forfeiture. Properties include single family homes, townhomes and individual condo units. Properties are sold "as is" and often require some level of renovation. Buyers should obtain a home inspection prior to signing closing contracts.

Under the Home Path program, buyers must provide a minimum 3-percent down payment; making this a good choice for buyers who do not have the necessary funds for conventional financing. A major perk is borrowers can utilize funds obtained from outside sources to meet the down payment requirement. FHA is the only other program that allows down payment assistance.

One option for obtaining down payment assistance grant money to buy bank owned foreclosure real estate is the Neighborhood Stabilization Program offered through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Billions of dollars have been earmarked for NSP grants to help stabilize communities hit hard by foreclosure.

NSP grant money can be used to buy Fannie Mae foreclosures offered through the Home Path mortgage program. NSP funds are managed by a variety of nationwide partners. Home buyers will need to contact their state's Neighborhood Stabilization Program manager. A list of NSP grant partners is provided at

Buyers of Fannie Mae real estate must obtain bank prequalification before submitting their offer. Prequalification does not guarantee home loan financing will be approved. Instead, it is used to determine how much buyers can afford to borrow.

First time home buyers who purchase Home Path properties prior to April 30, 2010 qualify for the $8000 federal housing tax credit. Homeowners who have resided in their home for at least five years and purchase a Fannie Mae foreclosure home with a higher value can obtain a $6500 tax credit. Individuals should consult with a professional tax preparer to ensure they are entitled to home buying tax credits.

The Home Path mortgage program is also a good option for real estate investors to purchase discounted investment properties. Investors can apply for NSP grant money, but cannot take housing tax credits against purchased properties. Unless investors obtain an NSP grant, they must wait 15 days after the property is listed before making an offer.

Home Path properties are sold under the "first look" provision. Buyers who receive down payment assistance and grant money are given first dibs during the first 15 days. If no offers are presented, real estate investors can submit offers on up to five properties through a Fannie Mae broker.

It is important to note not all Fannie Mae homes are eligible for special financing. Only properties listed at the website qualify.

Homepath By Homes For sale<a href=

Tips for Buying Fannie Mae Homepath Foreclosure Properties

The Fannie Mae Homepath program offers nationwide foreclosure properties at discount prices. Qualified buyers can finance homes through Home Path Mortgage to take advantage of the minimal 3-percent down payment and obtain closing cost assistance.

Fannie Mae Homepath real estate consists of homes which were repossessed through foreclosure or returned by borrowers using a deed in lieu of foreclosure. When banks engage in deed in lieu agreements they allow borrowers to return their home without undergoing the expensive foreclosure process.

Home Path Mortgage is a government-sponsored program that is well-suited for borrowers with bad credit. Many real estate investors use the program when purchasing Fannie Mae homes that require renovation. Home Path offers renovation loans which eliminate the need for high-interest construction loans. Properties which require additional funds for repairs are labeled with a Home Path Renovation Mortgage logo; making them easy to identify on the website.

Nearly all foreclosure houses require some level of repair. When mortgagors struggle to pay loan installments they usually do not have funds to make required repairs. It is not uncommon for foreclosed homeowners to intentionally inflict property damage as their way to 'get back' at the bank.

When banks take possession of foreclosed property they do not engage in repairs unless a problem requires prompt attention to prevent further deterioration. Repairs made by banks are not covered by any guarantee or warranty. Fannie Mae Homepath homes are sold in 'as-is' condition, so it is imperative that buyers engage in due diligence prior to submitting a purchase offer.

Buyers of Fannie Mae Homepath properties must obtain preapproved financing prior to submitting offers. Most properties are priced below market value to account for repair costs and to entice a quick sale. It is not uncommon for multiple buyers to submit bids on these properties, so it is best to submit your highest offer upfront.

Buyers should take time to research available home buying grants through HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program. A variety of NSP grants are available to qualified buyers and can range from receiving funds to rehab properties or vacant land to receiving grant money for the full purchase price.

NSP grants are a great option for real estate investors who purchase properties in areas with high foreclosure statistics. Investors can receive a maximum of five grants to buy and restore foreclosure houses.

Many buyers are waiting for the real estate market to bottom out, but that could place them in a position to lose out. While the media portrays the housing market as all gloom-and-doom, there are still great deals to be found. Fannie Mae Homepath is a good place to start.

Last, but not least, Fannie Mae Homepath foreclosures can be a good choice for first time home buyers. Home Path Mortgage offers financing to buyers with less than perfect credit and offers low interest rates to those with good credit. If you are considering buying a house or investment property, take time to review all that Fannie Mae Homepath has to offer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

brisbane home show

brisbane home show
brisbane home show

Ideas for a Quick Brisbane Getaway

Sporting Events in Brisbane

Brisbane is one of Australia's premier sport event venues, attracting millions of visitors each year to watch cricket, rugby league, soccer and more. Suncorp Stadium is the home of the Brisbane Broncos and also hosts rugby union, soccer and a range of concerts each year. There are several superb Brisbane hotels nearby, or if you're keen on being in the thick of the action, check out hotels in Brisbane's CBD.

International and domestic cricket matches are held at Brisbane's famous Gabba cricket ground. If you're attending a test, you'll want your Brisbane accommodation handy to the stadium. Check online for the closest Brisbane hotels; many offer special event deals.

Brisbane Cultural Activities

The city is home to a wide range of galleries, museums and performing arts venues. Before making the trip, check online for what's on and you'll discover exhibitions, concerts and other live performances available every day, and the best Brisbane accommodation options. The Queensland Gallery of Modern Art is currently featuring an exciting exhibition on Matisse, the 20th century French artist and leading figure in modern art. The Gallery and adjacent Queensland Art Gallery are worth visiting for their permanent collections alone, with more than 14,000 Australian and international artworks on display.

South Bank - Brisbane's Cultural Hub

Brisbane's main galleries are located in South Bank, which is home to the Queensland Cultural Centre. The Queensland Museum, Sciencentre and State Library are all found here, as is the Queensland Performing Arts Centre. The Queensland Theatre Company, Queensland Ballet, Orchestra and Opera Queensland all perform at the state's premier performing arts centre. South Bank is also home to luxury Brisbane hotels and when you're making your booking, ask about their show packages.

Brisbane Powerhouse

This former power station is now a landmark art, dining and conference venue. The Powerhouse is located in New Farm, about 5 kilometres from the city and there are plenty of Brisbane accommodation options in the precinct. Events including visual, music, festival, music and comedy are all offered at the Powerhouse and it is considered a hub for everything creative.

Brisbane Comedy Festival

The annual Brisbane Comedy Festival is on from 28 February to 25 March 2012 at the Brisbane Powerhouse. Always a huge hit, this festival attracts some of the best known international and local performers and is also a platform for fresh faces. If you're staying in a Brisbane CBD hotel, start your night off with a trip on Brisbane River's CityCat ferry, with a terminal only a few minutes' walk to the Powerhouse.

brisbane home show

A Memorable Tour Of Brisbane

Brisbane is one of the most populous cities in Australia. The Economist magazine rated it as the 16th best city in the world to reside. Tourism contributes a lot to the city's economy. The city has an amazing coastline and wonderful beaches. Water sports are popular among the residents. Friendly people, posh markets and supreme dining places complement the tourist sector. The summers are a bit humid but the winters are nice and warm.

Flights to Brisbane are offered by many travel agencies. Holiday packages offered include hotel bookings and sightseeing tours. The city is the capital of the Queensland state. Gold Coast region in Southeast Queensland is a popular tourism destination. Facilities for surfing and different water sports are found here. The biggest attraction of the region is that it is the third biggest film production centre in the country. The area also has a Warner Bros Studio. Famous movies such as Scooby Doo and House of Wax have been shot at this location. Various resorts offer accommodation to visitors.

A beautiful location at Gold Coast is the Surfers Paradise Beach. The place has a nice beachfront and surfing is the most popular sport here. Bars, nightclubs and restaurants abound in this region. The place has many hotels where tourists can stay. The annual Grand Prix Race held here, witnesses large crowds.

Sunshine Coast is another beautiful tourist attraction. The coast has nearly 5 national parks and 13 volcanic peaks. Here, one can watch various animals like dingoes, koalas, snakes, alligators, tortoises, etc. Further, the stunning mountain villages are a treat to the eyes. A tour of the large wineries is also recommended.

The Saint Helena Island is an interesting destination that draws crowds. It is situated pretty close to the Brisbane River. The place used to be a prison for housing dangerous criminals. However, in the present era it has been turned into a national park. The picturesque location and the ruins give a feeling of 19th century Queensland. Many migratory birds are seen in the nearby marshland. The bay is home to many beautiful animals and visitors can see dugongs, turtles and dolphins. A sound and light show is organized during the night. This show offers a glimpse of past life at this place.

Cheapest flights to Brisbane are provided from various international locales. Take a tour of this scenic land and enjoy the food and hospitality.

brisbane home show

Touring Brisbane's South Bank in Style

For the culture vultures out there, Brisbane's South Bank area is a destination you wouldn't want to miss. Among the reasons why this Queensland capital is a popular destination for tourists visiting Australia are its arts, culture and heritage. Wouldn't it be fantastic if you'll be able to savor this aspect of the Land Down Under in style? Why not hire a limo in Brisbane and discover the rich treasures of the city? Here are some ideas on how to enjoy such a luxurious ride in the state capital.

You can start at South Bank, the home of the state's exhibitions of various forms of arts and entertainment. Riding in a limo, you'd be in perfect style to enjoy a show at the Performing Arts Centre. You can choose to watch its resident theater company or the Queensland Ballet. Or you can go the whole stretch and wear a tux to enjoy Opera Queensland, which stages spectacular productions from The Mikado to Macbeth.

The Queensland Performing Arts Centre also connects tourists to the Queensland Museum and the State Library. Also in the neighborhood is the largest modern art gallery in Australia, the GoMA (Gallery of Modern Art). GoMa is known to hold famous works of artists in and out of the country - among the most popular being the largest survey of the works of pop artist Andy Warhol.

You can also ride your limo in Brisbane and cross the Victoria Bridge to get directly to the South Bank Parklands. It's a green getaway of the urban type - a little bit of rainforest and blue waters combined with modern landmarks like the Grand Arbour, the Suncorp Piazza, the Nepal Peace Pagoda, and the Wheel of Brisbane.

But the ultimate idea would be a limousine ride complete with some bubbly and canapés, which you can arrange with your rental service, when you go to the Parklands to witness huge cultural events, such as Australia Day and New Year's Eve celebrations. If you're in Queensland in September, you might want to do this limo celebration for Riverfire, which is a 30-minute non-stop fireworks display coming from Brisbane's three major bridges - the Victoria Bridge, the Story Bridge, and the Goodwill Bridge - set against the Parklands' famous man-made beach.

There are other culture and heritage spots in the city, such as the Brisbane Powerhouse in New Farm and even the City Botanic Gardens, that would definitely be more memorable when visited in a comfortable and luxurious ride. Indeed, if you'd like a stylish way of going to an opera, watching a pyrotechnics show, or just exploring houses of invaluable art, riding a limo in Brisbane isn't such a bad idea at all.

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Hosting a Brisbane Birthday Party Magic Show Or Magician

/we like to think of kid's parties. We imagine a fun filled day where the children are having the time of their lives. But apart from games, there is one more thing children go crazy about and that is the magical tricks played by a Brisbane Kids Magician. Children love to see magical tricks and it really gets them thinking if magic really exists and transports them into a magical world where anything can happen.

So, if it is your child's birthday approaching and you are planning birthday party for them then you should certainly surprise him by calling Brisbane Kids Magician to add a that touch of real magic to their birthday party. A party beautified with Brisbane Kids Magician is perhaps the best gift you can ever think of giving your child. A Brisbane Kids Magician will add some real fun and excitement to your birthday party and you will see those happy smiles on the children's faces.

Once you have hired a Brisbane Kids Magician, you can sit back and enjoy a 'stress free' party and let the Brisbane Kids Magician do all the entertaining. A Brisbane Kids Magician is a professional entertainer and will have the kids laughing in no time creating a fun filled environment at the birthday party that everyone will enjoy.

The Magician Kids Brisbane is there to be the centre of attention for the children and will be performing lots of high energy tricks that will have the children laughing their heads off and the parents will have big smiles knowing that they are having the best party ever. A Brisbane party Magician uses every possible trick and method to make children smile. They certainly now exactly how to keep them entertained. The popular tricks include magical illusions that create comedy as well as surprise. They also carry props like a real live Rabbit, balloons, party bags, free party invites and lots of free give-aways and use all these thing to create a great magic show.

The magician starts his role the moment he arrives to get the party started. He will interact with the guests and remembers their children's names which he make use of while playing tricks with them. All magicians have their own style of entertaining. Kids love a loud interactive show where they can be the star of the party and have all their friends helping them to make sure everyone has the best time. Yes even maybe making the birthday child disappear is something that a kids party magician can do.

The best part about such parties is that the entire audience gets entertained and no one feels left out. Of course, the birthday child is always the star of the show and the whole party is to make them feel special. All the other parents will be thanking you for such a great party and saying what a good idea it was and asking how you came up with the idea of hiring a birthday party magician in Brisbane. No matter if you are throwing a big or a small party, a magician is going to create a happy memories which will be remembered for years to come.

In summary a Brisbane Kids Magician at a child's party can ensure that you have a fun fill stress free party that will be filled with laughter and happy memories that the children and adults will remember for years to come. A birthday party is more fun, special and more entertaining when the children are kept engaged watching a magic show.

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