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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina

A sandy dune beach, dense wooded surroundings and a sloped lot created a challenging landscape on which to design and build a home, but these characteristics are also what distinguish this oddly beautiful location. The obtusely angled walls denote sheets of rock, layered with large glass walls to naturally brighten every corner of these cave-like interiors. this rustic style concrete house plan deep in the forest or Mar Azul, Argentina.

Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina
Rustic Style House Deep in the Forest Argentina

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